Why Play-based Learning
Play is an integral part of development. Through play, children build and develop essential skills that are crucial to their academic growth in later years. Play encourages children to inquire, explore, create and solve problems in imaginative ways. Through child-initiated and adult-led play, children build confidence to tackle obstacles and solve a wide range of problems with growing independence.
Activity Descriptions
Child Initiated Play
Children are confident and capable beings. Child-initiated play allows children to explore and create whilst practicing making decisions. This period allows children to explore creatively, build problem solving skills and learn to interact with their peers and the environment. Children are encouraged to explore their potential and nurture their imagination to become critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Group Time
This teacher-led segment promotes a sense of community as children gather and discuss a variety of topics. Group time builds children’s language and communication skills whilst developing their attention span. Our bilingual system allows children to learn and practice language skills in authentic settings.
Teacher-led Activities
Teacher-led activities are set up by our educators to allow opportunities for children to discover new ideas and topics. Through teacher-led activities, children are able to learn new ideas and concepts as they build their language skills in a bilingual setting.
Snack Time
During snack time, children are encouraged to perform daily activities which allow them to become more independent. This is a time for students to practice a wide range of motor skills as well as developing their social skills.
Mandarin Time
Students are exposed to the Mandarin language through authentic experiences created by our Mandarin educators. Students are provided with opportunities to engage in fun activities that build their language skills and develop an interest in the rich culture behind the language.